The Democratic Party of Washoe County Executive Board will post its meeting times and policy for Executive Board meeting visitors on the website.
Only Democratic Party of Washoe County Central Committee members in good standing may visit Executive Board meetings.
To be included on the Democratic Party of Washoe County Executive Board agenda, a current member of the Democratic Party of Washoe County Central Committee must first notify the Executive Director and Chair by email or in writing five business days before the board meeting to qualify for inclusion.
Inclusion on the Executive Board meetings agenda is at the sole discretion of the Executive Board.
Each visitor must sign in upon arriving at the meeting.
Each visitor, when signing in, must read and indicate agreement with the Democratic Party of Washoe County policy for Executive Board meeting visitors.
The Secretary will record the names of all people in attendance in the minutes of the Executive Board meeting.
The Executive Board will allow a brief public comment period at the end of each meeting.
Each visitor will be allowed two minutes to speak during the public comment period.
The Secretary will enter a summary of each comment in the meeting minutes.
The Executive Board is not required to respond to comments from visitors.
Public comments during the meeting will be allowed only at the pleasure of the Chair.
Visitors will maintain proper decorum during the meeting, including:
Turning off cell phones
Not making any audio or video recording of the meeting
Being quiet and courteous until recognized for speaking.
The Chair may at any time call for the meeting to enter Executive Session, during which time all visitors must vacate the meeting room.