Join us as our full legislative delegation provides us with a full overview of the upcoming Nevada legislative session! What are the challenges and goals for the Democratic majority? What can we do to help? What are the priorities and what can we expect to take center stage?Panel discussion led by 1st Vice Chair Tim […]
If you are unable to attend the in-person meeting, a ZOOM option is also available. Please check the South Washoe Dems website for more information. or contact
Speaker: Marie Rodriguez, Washoe County Library Board Location: Mr. Crab Seafood Boils, Los Altos Pkwy, Sparks Social time: 5:30pm, Meeting Time: 6:00pm
If you are unable to attend the in-person meeting, a ZOOM option is also available. Please check the South Washoe Dems website for more information. or contact
Q1 Business Meeting of the Washoe County Central CommitteeHybrid meeting (in person and online)5:30 pm Check In6:00 pm Call to OrderAgenda and Registration Information to be provided to all members prior to the meetingMeeting Agenda to be provided with the 10-day noticeNovember 2024 Central Committee Meeting Minutes to be provided with the 10-dayAll members and […]