Central Committee

The Democratic Party of Washoe County Central Committee meets once every quarter.  ** Special meetings may be called as needed.

WCCC members are required to email if unable to attend.

Become a Member

Please fill out this form if you are interested in becoming a Central Committee member, and you will be nominated at the next Central Committee meeting.

Central Committee Meeting Dates
  • Wednesday, Aug 9, 2023 Q3
  • Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023 Q4
  • Wednesday, Jan 10, 2024 Q1
  • ** Thursday, Feb 1, 2024  – Special Election Meeting
  • Saturday, April 6, 2024 Q2
    County Convention & Election of 2024-26 WCCC
  • Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024 Q3
  • Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024 Q4
  • Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025 Q1
  • Wednesday, Apr 9, 2025 Q2 – Election of Officers
Submit a motion

 Download this form and submit it to

Washoe County Central Committee
As of April 6, 2024

Natha Anderson Tracey Lane
Michealangelo Aranda Tyler Langdon
Semiramis Ardalan Nancyann Leeder
Maggie Babb Diana Mackey
Peter Barber Sarah Mahler
Sally Bates Nadine Malcolm
Rosalind Bedell Lori Mariluch
Greg Bentall Scarlett  Martin
Bob Blackstock Linda Massie
Wendy Boszak Cullen McGinnis
Carol Bratcher Carolyn Miller
Eldin Brodlic Ed Miller
Brigid Anne Buckley Derek Morse
Vinita  Busse Robert  Munoz
Eugene Castro Deborah Nicholas
Philip Chavez Nathan Noble
Joe Chiaretti John Osborne
Stacey Clark Tyson Owens
Sherrell Collins Kathy Peltier
Steve Conover Paula Povilaitis
John Corbin  Robert Purdy
Richard “Skip” Daly Muhammed Quddus
Mary DeLaMare Pam  Roberts
Elvira Diaz Abel Rodriguez
Donald Dowden Marie Rodriguez
Doris Anne Dowden Erica Roth
Meghan Ebert Mark Sasway
Greg Erfani  Mary Schweitzer
Kent Ervin Sandy Scott
Adrienne Feemster Cobb Janet Serial
Jill “Foxy” Fisher Mark Sertic
Matthew Fonken Karen Shimamoto
Mary Frey Linda  Sinclair 
Mary Ann  Gaebe Carissa Snedeker
Patricia Gallimore  George “Brad” Snedeker
Cameron George John Solomon 
Gary Geyer John  Solomon Jr.
Alex Goff John Stevens
Rebecca Goff Kelly Stevens
Edward Goodrich Jill Strawder-Bubala
Heather Goulding Riley Sutton
Zaria Guignard Angie Taylor
Madelaine Gunders Nancy Thompson
Steven Gunders Robert (Bob)  Tolle
Tim Hanifan Barbara Twitchell
Susan Heberger Myisha Tyes
Jack Heinemann Alex Velto
Christopher Henshaw Kathleen  Watty 
Dorothy Ingraham Diana “Cookie” West
Patricia Jarvi Deborah White
Norma Kea Claudia Williams
Zachary Khan Clarice Wilson
Christopher  King Larry Wilson
Dominique Labonte Cliff Young