
North Tahoe Dems March Meeting – WSCD Trustee Christine Hull


In Person cancelled due to snow storm. Zoom link registration link hereJOIN North Tahoe Democrats for a discussion with our WCSD Trustee, Christine Hull. She will brief us on pending education legislation at the Nevada State Assembly and explain how to use the NELIS system to lobby our state representatives. Washoe County Commissioner Alexis Hill will also […]

North Washoe Dems-Kathy Carstairs, Wake Up Nevada

Mr. Crab Seafood Boils 301 Los Altos Pkwy, Sparks, NV, United States

Special Guest: Kathie Carstairs, Wake Up Nevada Kathie will give a presentation on the opioid epidemic and explain how Narcan prevents overdose deaths.

Heart of Reno March Meeting: ACLU

Washoe County Golf Course 2499 Foley Way, Reno, NV, United States

Program: ACLU of Northern Nevada  Social Time: 6:00 p.m.  Meeting Time: 6:30 p.m.  Contact for more information.

HACER April Meeting

Democratic Party of Washoe County 1465 Terminal Way, Reno, NV, United States

Monthly meeting of the Hispanic Action Committee Program to be announced

South Washoe Dems April Meeting – Jon Ralston

South Valleys Library 14398 Wedge Pkwy, Reno, NV, United States

Freedom of the Press: Fact or FictionFeaturing Jon Ralston, CEO & Editor, The Nevada Independent  Monday, April 7, 20255:30 p.m. Social Time; 6:00 p.m. ProgramSouth Valleys Library15650 Wedge Pkwy, RenoAlso available on Zoom” Check website for information and registration link

Q2 WashoeDEMS Central Committee Meeting and Executive Board Election

Democratic Party of Washoe County 1465 Terminal Way, Reno, NV, United States

Q2 Business Meeting of the Washoe County Central Committee & Election of the Executive Board for the the 2025-2027 term Hybrid meeting (in person and online) 5:30 pm Check In 6:00 pm Call to Order Agenda and Registration Information to be provided to all voting members prior to the meeting. All members and guests, whether attending in person or online, […]

North Tahoe Dems

Incline Village Library 845 Alder Ave, Incline Village, NV, United States

Please check the North Tahoe Dems website for meeting information or email

North Washoe Dems

Mr. Crab Seafood Boils 301 Los Altos Pkwy, Sparks, NV, United States

5:30 social time, 6:00 meeting Program to be announced. Contact for more information.