WashoeDEMS Voting Guide
Voter Protection Hotline
(775) 574-VOTE (8683)
Check My Voter Status
Voting Options
Find My Polling Place
Register to Vote
Protect the Vote
Track My Ballot
Check Your Voter Registration
Thousands of voter names have been eliminated from Washoe’s voter rolls due to mandated list maintenance. Check your name and address in less than a minute at the Nevada Secretary of State (SOS) Website. Do it now, and urge friends and family to check, too. Call the Washoe County Registrar if you have any further questions at (775) 328-3670.
You Are Eligible to Vote If:
- You are a United States citizen.
- You are 18 years of age by Election Day or older.
- You have continuously resided in Washoe County for 30 days and at your current address 10 days prior to the next election.
- You can provide proof of identity and residency such as a current and valid Nevada Driver’s license or Nevada Identification card or other official document.
- You are not under any loss of civil rights that would make it unlawful to vote (such as guardianship).
Options for University Students
University students may choose to register to vote at their college address or at their parent’s address. The mailing address can be out of state or in another Nevada county as long as the home address is in Washoe County.
Regain Voting Rights After a Felony
Any Nevada resident convicted of a felony in Nevada or in any other state is immediately restored the right to vote upon the individual’s release from prison. There is no waiting period or action required by the individual, regardless of the category of felony committed or whether the individual is still on either parole or probation. (AB 431, effective July 1, 2019).
For more information, go to the Secretary of State’s website.
How to Register to Vote, Change Your Party or Address
Register Online
It’s quick and easy online if you have a current Nevada Driver’s License or State Issued Identification Card. Click here to:
- Register to vote
- Update your address
- Change your party
Register by Mail
If you do not have a Nevada Driver’s License or State Issued Identification Card you must register by mail. Here are 3 ways to register by mail.
- Call the Washoe County Registrar at (775) 328-3670 to receive a Voter Registration Form in the mail.
- Click here for step-by-step directions to download a form that can be mailed or presented in person.
- Use the National Mail Voter Registration Form – available in 15 languages.
Meet the Candidates
Elect Democrats up & Down the Ballot
Frequently Asked Questions
I received a postcard to verify my voter signature. Is this a scam? No.
In September 2024 the Secretary of State is implementing a new, statewide voter registration system (VREMS). As a part of the new system every voter will be assigned a new voter number. The Secretary of State’s office is currently in the process of mailing NEW voter cards with the new number to every active registered voter in the state.
In most counties, including Washoe, there will be a signature update postcard included with your new voter card that you can fill out and return to update your signature on file with your county elections’ department. Returning this postcard is OPTIONAL.
Voter’s signatures often change over time and many voter’s signatures from DMV registrations are low resolution. By encouraging voters to update their signatures now, the Secretary of State is trying to prevent mail ballots from being challenged for a signature mismatch and in-person voters from being delayed by a signature mismatch when checking in to vote.
- Returning the postcard is optional. A voter’s registration will not change in any way if they choose not to return the signature update postcard.
- Voters can see the signature that they currently have on file by logging into the SOS website’s “Registered Voter Services” and clicking through to the last page of the “Update My Registration Info” form.
- Returning the update card is a convenient way to make sure that the election department has a signature on file that will match the one you use on your mail ballot or when voting in person.
- The election department uses signatures to confirm a voter’s identity when voting in person or by mail: the updated signature will be matched to the one voters use to sign in at the polls or submit a mail ballot in the upcoming election.
- If you do not feel comfortable mailing the postcard, you can drop it off at the registrar’s mailing address shown on the reverse sided of the signature card.
The NV Dems, the DNC, and other voting rights organizations have been calling and texting voters encouraging them to return the signature update postcard.
While the messaging has not always been clear and many voters have been confused or made suspicious by these calls, the purpose behind the calls and texts has been to make sure everyone is aware of the new voter cards and the optional signature update cards.
I need information on the Ballot Questions
- Yes on 1
- Yes on 2
- No on 3
- Yes on 4
- Yes on 5
- Yes on 6
- No on 7
- Yes on WC-1
For a thorough review of all 7 statewide ballot measures, with arguments for and against, click here for a reference guide (pdf) provided by the Nevada Secretary of State’s office.
What Are the Ways I Can Vote?
Every registered voter can vote by mail or in person. Every registered voter will receive a ballot mailed to them. You have the option to mail your ballot in and track it using https://nevada.ballottrax.net/voter/.
Click here to find an in-person voting location once voting locations have been assigned.
If you are an overseas citizen, or a uniformed service member or their family there are additional resources to help you vote. Learn about that here.
Will I Receive a Ballot Automatically by Mail This Year?
Yes, if you are registered as an active voter, you will automatically receive a ballot in the mail. Check your voter status and address at www.registertovote.nv.gov to ensure you receive a ballot.
If you are not an active voter, you must register to vote 14 days before Election Day at www.registertovote.nv.gov to receive a ballot in the mail. Otherwise, you can register in person at any voting center and vote in person, even on Election Day.
Nevada Legislators Protected Your Right to Vote
With the passage of Assembly Bill 321 during the 2021 Legislative Session, all active registered voters will receive a ballot in the mail. You can request to opt-out by submitting this form [English], [Spanish], or [Tagalog] to your county clerk.
How Do I Fill Out & Return My Mail-In Ballot?
- Use a blue or black pen to fill in the oval for the candidate you’re voting for.
- DO NOT use felt tip pens or permanent markers.
- Mark your choices in each contest or question by completely filling in the oval to the right of each of your ballot choices.
- If you make a mistake, simply cross out the name of the candidate you mistakenly voted for. Fill in the oval next to the correct candidate.
- If you choose to vote on some candidates or questions and not others, your ballot will be counted for those you have voted on. This will not invalidate your ballot.
- If you mark more choices than permitted in a single contest, no vote will be counted for that contest, but the rest of your correctly marked ballot will be counted.
- Do not make any stray or identifying marks on the ballot itself.
- Put your ballot inside the secrecy sleeve and then return both in the provided envelope. Make sure your ballot goes back in the envelope that was mailed to YOU, not to someone else in your household. Then seal and sign where indicated.
- Make sure to sign the back of the envelope using the same signature as the one you used when you registered to vote.
- Mail it through the USPS or drop it at an official dropbox location. You can look up your drop box locations at https://www.washoecounty.gov/voters/.
This video demonstrates how to return your mail in ballot.
Please note: Your county clerk will notify you if you are required to provide a copy of your identification with your mail-in ballot. To fulfill this requirement you must submit to your County Clerk/Registrar official identification of both IDENTITY and RESIDENCY with your mail-in ballot. “Official Identification” means a government-issued, or otherwise official, article or combination of articles, which establishes both the identity and residence.
How Can I Track My Ballot?
You can track your ballot using BallotTrax https://nevada.ballottrax.net/voter/. Login to Registered Voter Services and select “Track my Mail Ballot.”
When Is Election Day, Early Voting?
- Early voting for the General Election takes place October 19 – November 1, 2024
- The General Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Ballots must be dropped off at a drop box location by 7:00 pm on Election Day or postmarked on or before Election Day and received by the Washoe County Registrar of Voters’ office by 5:00 pm on the fourth day following Election Day to be counted.
Where Are Early Voting Locations & Election Day Voting Locations?
Washoe County Residents can look up 2024 early voting locations and Election Day voting locations here.
You may only vote at polling locations in the county in which you are registered.
Information on 2024 voting locations for all counties is available at this link
What’s the Deadline to Register to Vote in This Election?
Law in Nevada makes voter registration available on the same day as the General Election, but we encourage people to register as soon as possible.
All voters who are registered to vote no later than 14 days before Election Day will receive a mail-in ballot whether or not they requested one, unless they opt-out.
To read more information and for mail-in ballots in the primary and general elections click here.
I Requested a Mail-In Ballot, But Haven’t Received It. What Should I Do?
All active registered voters should receive a mail-in ballot, unless they have opted out. If you haven’t received one, check your voter registration information at the Washoe County Registrar’s website or the NV Secretary of State website to confirm you are an active registered voter.
If you’ve lost your ballot or did not receive one despite being an active registered voter, call the Washoe County Registrar of Voters at 775-328-3670.
Do I Need Identification to Vote?
Most people do not need to bring their identification to vote. You only need to bring your ID if you are a new registered voter and fall under the following two categories.
- If you are a newly registered voter, who registered after October 15, 2022 or who is registering on the same day as you are voting, you will need to have a valid Nevada DMV ID. A license that expired after March 11, 2022 is valid through November 12, 2022 by order of the DMV. An “Interim Document” from the DMV, received upon application for an identification, is also sufficient.
- If you are a newly registered voter, who registered before October 6, 2022 and did not provide identification when registering, you will need to provide valid photo identification at the polls.
Valid identification includes those issued by a Nevada university or college, Nevada state or federal government agency, and tribal identification, among others.
Generally, it will be fine if it is valid and has your photo. If it has an address that is no longer accurate, you will need a utility bill, bank statement, paycheck stub, or another document that has your registered address on it.
What Are My Rights as a Voter?
A complete list of voter rights is available here.
FAQ for Uniformed or Overseas Voters
How Can Overseas Citizens, U.S. Armed Forces, Their Spouses & Dependents Vote?
Uniformed and overseas citizens are able to use the EASE system. EASE is available to:
- Members of the United States Armed Forces
- Their spouses and dependents
- Nevada voters who reside outside of the country
- Nevada residents with a disability
The system will be available for elections with a federal contest on the ballot 45 days before Election Day at NVEASE.gov.
For more information about EASE please visit the EASE Overview page by clicking here.
For more information about who qualifies to use EASE, visit https://www.nvsos.gov/sos/elections/voters/uniformed-overseas-citizens
Who Qualifies As a Uniformed or Overseas Citizen?
Uniformed Service Members & Family
A Uniformed Service Member means someone whose last place of residence was in Nevada and is:
- A member of the active or reserve components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard of the United States who is on active duty
- A member of the Merchant Marine, the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service or the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States; A member of the National Guard or state militia unit who is on activated status
- Or, A spouse or dependent of a person described above (this includes children born overseas, even if they have never lived in the United States, as long as they are not registered in any other state)
Overseas Citizens
An Overseas Citizen means someone who:
- Is a United States citizen and living outside the United States
- Is eligible to vote
- Is at least 18 years of age on or before Election Day
- Is not registered to vote in any other state
- And whose last place of residence before leaving the United States was in Nevada
- Is a spouse or dependent of a person described above (this includes children born overseas, even if they have never lived in the United States, as long as they are not registered in any other state)
What Address Do I Register With? (For Overseas or Uniformed Voters)
An overseas citizen, member of the U.S. Armed Forces and their family must use the address of their last place of residence in Nevada or, in the case of a dependent, the address of their parent or guardian’s last place of residence in Nevada.
How Can I Use Effective Absentee System for Elections (EASE) to Vote?
Nevada’s Effective Absentee System for Elections (EASE) is available for use by active members of the United States Armed Forces, their spouses and dependents, and Nevada voters who reside outside of the country. For more information about EASE please visit the EASE Overview page.